Hey Everybody! It’s World Giraffe Day!

I took this photo of Pilgrim, one of the giraffes at Out of Africa Wildlife Park in Camp Verde, Arizona.
World Giraffe Day was started by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) to celebrate the longest-necked animal on the longest day or night (depending on which hemisphere you live!) of the year – 21 June. It’s an annual event to raise awareness and shed light on the challenges giraffes face.
Did you know that there are less than 80,000 giraffes in the wild?
To learn more about World Giraffe Day and how you can help giraffes, go here: http://worldgiraffeday.squarespace.com/
(My calendar tells me that today is also Father’s Day and the first day of summer. Shout out to dads and summertime too!)