Today is World Photography Day! According to an article from The Economic Times,
World Photography Day…aims to inspire photographers across the planet to share a single photo with a simple purpose: to share their world with the world.
Unfortunately, at the time I’m writing this post (on Christmas Day 2018) I can’t figure out where we are supposed to share our single photo today. The World Photo Day Facebook page hasn’t been updated since August 2017, and when I go to the Wold Photo Day website, I get an Error 521 message (“web server is down”). Maybe by the time this post actually runs in August of 2019, there will be updated information out in the world.
In the meantime, I want to share photos today of two of my favorite things: cameras and vans!
Yep, it’s the Camera Van!

Nolagirl and I encountered Camera Van at spark! Mesa’s Festival of Creativity which we attended in the spring of 2018. There were a lot of art cars there and a few art vans too, including Camera Van.

Camera Van was created by Harrod Blank. According to Camera Van’s very own website, it is
the world’s most unique rolling photographic studio, truly the world’s ONLY van carpeted wall-to-wall in cameras and rigged to catch the candid expressions of people everywhere.
According to the article “World’s Funkiest Cars Find a Home in Douglas” by Luis F. Carrasco, Camera Van is Blank’s second art car, which he started working on in 1993. The van is
…covered with more than 2,000 cameras and assorted photography paraphernalia. It took him two years to complete.

Harrod Blank is also the creator of the Art Car World museum in Douglas, AZ. According the the musem’s website, Art Car World is
[a] museum dedicated entirely to the celebration and preservation of this popular mobile art form…located in historic downtown Douglas, Arizona. Currently under construction, Art Car World will feature a permanent collection of 42 popular Art Cars with more on rotating exhibition.
Art Car World is located at 450 E 8th Street in Douglas, AZ and is open by appointment only. You can contact the museum to schedule a visit or to get more information via email at or by sending a letter to the street address given above.

Be sure to visit the Camera Van website to see the surprise on the vehicle’s roof.
If you like, take some photos today. Share them on Facebook or Instagram or go old school and have prints made. However you do it, use photography to share your world with the world.
If you enjoyed this post, you may also want to read about another art van called California Fantasy Van and an art car called J Gurl that were also at the spark! Festival.
I took all the photos in this post.