World Happiness Party



My friend and I were on our way to Jerome, Arizona to celebrate our shared birth month. We were just leaving Cottonwood when we saw the motorhome pictured above. It was parked in a hospital parking lot. My friend and I were both hooting and hollering, pointing to the motorhome, and asking each other Do you see that?

Next thing I knew, my friend was pulling off the highway and into the hospital parking lot, telling me we had to see this giraffe-patterned vehicle up close. (One of the things I like most about this woman friend is that she is always up for an adventure.)

I’m not sure what we expected. A daytime rave going on inside? The owner/driver hanging out, ready to answer our every question? Alas, there was no one in or around the motorhome. (Why didn’t we leave a note? Why oh why didn’t we leave a note?)

IMG_5049We took our photos, then got back to our road trip. A week later, it occurred to me to type “” ( into my browser and look at the page.

The page says,

Make the world a better place. Join our wise, daring fraternity!

Then the page asks,


Short answer:

current research suggests 7 main ways to increase life fulfillment.

Here are those 7 main ways, as suggested by the World Happiness Party:


Here’s a tip for being more sociable: when someone tells you good news, don’t answer blandly or look at the negative side. Respond enthusiastically and positively. Practice this on someone. Do it until you notice a change in your pattern of response.



Smiling.  Activating the smile muscles makes you feel better even when the smile is faked.
Laughter.  Laughter relieves stress and increases resistance to illness and pain. Even fake, forced laughter produces these results.
Count your blessings.  At the end of each day, write down 3 things that went well that day.  They can be small. Give a reason for each. This alleviates depression and stress.
Gratitude.  Thank someone for something they did that was important to you — even if it happened long ago. You’ll both feel lifted.


Optimism adds 10 years to one’s life (on average). It can be learned. If you habitually grumble when things don’t go your way, dispute your pessimistic assessment in these ways:
Find evidence that it isn’t so bad after all.
Find an alternative (more benign) explanation of the event.
Find evidence that the negatives are only temporary.
Don’t let your whole life be affected.  (Don’t “catastrophize”)
Blame bad events on causes outside yourself.
Take credit for good events.
Question the usefulness of pessimistic beliefs.


Dedicating yourself to larger causes…erases fear and anger and puts you in a sociable, creative frame of mind.


People with a strong sense of purpose…tend to be happier than others. They solve problems proactively and can absorb life’s ups and downs.


If you are wondering, as I was, who makes up the World Happiness Party, here’s the answer:

The World Happiness Party is a non-partisan organization dedicated to spreading information about the science of happiness.Founded in 2009 at Western New Mexico University, its members believe in three things:

Happiness.  The desire for a fulfilling life unites all humans…One person’s happiness need not cancel out another’s. The enlightened pursuit of happiness removes social conflict.
World Reach.  Assisting those who need it most assures that no corner of the globe will be left out. Currently, the W.H.P. is aiding troubled regions in Africa, the Middle East and Mexico.
Science.  The science of happiness can revitalize the human race. It doesn’t have all the answers, but it’s a good start.

The World Happiness Party invites us all to

Here are creative, rewarding, fun things you might do:
— Start an exercise, walking, sports or laughter club
— Community projects involving art, music, etc..
— Mentor youth; care for those in need
— Political activism for the greatest good
— Form a science of happiness study circle
— Aid impoverished people around the world
— Compose a testament of your thoughts and/or work

There’s a toll-free phone number on the website (1-800-374-7428). This is the phone number folks are to call to join the party or get assistance and/or information. When I called the number, a robot voice told me the office was closed IMG_5050and I should call during regular business hours. I’ll try to remember to call again when it’s not a Sunday afternoon.

I took all the photos in this post.

About Blaize Sun

My name is Blaize Sun. Maybe that's the name my family gave me; maybe it's not. In any case, that's the name I'm using here and now. I've been a rubber tramp for nearly a decade.I like to see places I've never seen before, and I like to visit the places I love again and again. For most of my years on the road, my primary residence was my van. For almost half of the time I was a van dweller, I was going it alone. Now I have a little travel trailer parked in a small RV park in a small desert town. I also have a minivan to travel in. When it gets too hot for me in my desert, I get in my minivan and move up in elevation to find cooler temperatures or I house sit in town in a place with air conditioning I was a work camper in a remote National Forest recreation area on a mountain for four seasons. I was a camp host and parking lot attendant for two seasons and wrote a book about my experiences called Confessions of a Work Camper: Tales from the Woods. During the last two seasons as a work camper on that mountain, I was a clerk in a campground store. I'm also a house and pet sitter, and I pick up odd jobs when I can. I'm primarily a writer, but I also create beautiful little collages; hand make hemp jewelry and warm, colorful winter hats; and use my creative and artistic skills to decorate my life and brighten the lives of others. My goal (for my writing and my life) is to be real. I don't like fake, and I don't want to share fake. I want to share my authentic thoughts and feelings. I want to give others space and permission to share their authentic selves. Sometimes I think the best way to support others is to leave them alone and allow them to be. I am more than just a rubber tramp artist. I'm fat. I'm funny. I'm flawed. I try to be kind. I'm often grouchy. I am awed by the stars in the dark desert night. I hope my writing moves people. If my writing makes someone laugh or cry or feel angry or happy or troubled or comforted, I have done my job. If my writing makes someone think and question and try a little harder, I've done my job. If my writing opens a door for someone, changes a life, I have done my job well. I hope you enjoy my blog posts, my word and pictures, the work I've done to express myself in a way others will understand. I hope you appreciate the time and energy I put into each post. I hope you will click the like button each time you like what you have read. I hope you will share posts with the people in your life. I hope you'll leave a comment and share your authentic self with me and this blog's other readers. Thank you for reading.  A writer without readers is very sad indeed.

5 Responses »

    • Me too, Andrea. I couldn’t tell from the website if the World Happiness Party is currently active, but what a great reminder to everyone who sees the motorhome that happiness is IMPORTANT!

      Thanks for reading and commenting. It helps me to stay focused and motivated to hear from people who are reading.

  1. Thank you, thank you! This is just what I believe and often ignore. Need to read it once a week (sorta like church). Love to all, Maggie

    • I hear you, Maggie! Why is so difficult to act out what we believe? I like the idea of reading the World Happiness Party info (manifesto? propaganda?) once a week. Perhaps I will print it out and carry it with me. Maybe I’ll print out several copies and leave them all over the place where I can stumble upon them as I live my life.

I'd love to know what you think. Please leave a comment.