I was back to selling jewelry on the side of the highway at a small arts and crafts market near a large natural tourist attraction. I’d missed the summer crowd, and this bunch of mostly old, mostly stuffy visitors was not my target audience. Most of these folks had no personality; the ones who did have a personality, well, their personality type was “asshole”.
One morning a man strolled up to my table. I saw him looking at the rocks, so I said to him (as I say to almost everyone who looks at my rocks), Let me know if you have any questions about my shiny rocks. Usually people chuckle or say thank you, but this guy said (in a snotty tone of voice), I have a rock business myself. I don’t know if he meant, Don’t try to hustle me because I know about rocks and their prices or if he was trying to tell me he wasn’t going to buy rocks because he already had a bunch, but he came across as a real jerk.
I just said (coldly), That’s nice.
Then he picked up a piece of skeletal quartz and demanded, Where did you get this?

This is the piece of skeletal quartz the jerk man picked up. It may be difficult to see in this photos, but there are three clear quartz points that formed around a chunk of quartz.
I said sweetly, From my rock guy, even though I knew he wanted to know where on the earth the rock was originally found.
No. he said. Where did it come from?
I don’t know, I said (because I didn’t, although since then I’ve been told it came from Colorado).
By that point I was 97% sure the man was not going to buy anything from me, and I was 100% sure I didn’t want him to have that beautiful piece of quartz. If he had asked the price, I would have said $50, even though I usually ask $20 for it. I didn’t want him to have it , but I’d want $50 more than I’d want to keep the stone from him.
On another morning, two women and a man stopped at my table. The man was admiring the winter hats I’d made. He asked one of the women if she wanted one.
When have you ever known me to wear a hat? she snapped at him.
She stalked off, but the man and the other woman stayed at my table. The man asked the price of the hats, and I told him they were only $10.
Where are y’all from? I asked them. Due to his accent and the first woman’s attitude, I wasn’t surprised when he said Chicago.
I commented on how cold it gets in Chicago and said the lady must be really tough if she never wears a hat during a Chicago winter.
She’s tough as nails, the man said.
He asked me if men wear my hats. I said yes and told him about the man who’d bought one the day before.
He liked the hat my styrofoam model was wearing, so I told him he was welcome to try it on.
He pulled it on while I got the mirror.
I told him the hat looked really good on him. I wasn’t only trying to make a sale; the hat did look really good on him. He said he wanted it so he could keep his ears warm while walking his dog this winter.
With the hat on his head, he called to the woman who’d walked away and was now three tables down the line of vendors, How do I look?
She replied immediately, after barely looking at him, Stupid!
Wow! I said. Is that your wife?
Yes, he said. We’ve been married 30 years.
Wow! I said again. “Y’all must really love each other.
He called out to his wife again. Should I get this hat?
She looked totally disgusted and said, You’re the one who’d have to wear it.
He didn’t buy the hat.
I thanked him for his admiration of my work, and he said, We haven’t left yet. He said if his wife bought something, he’s be back, tit for tat, but I didn’t see him again.
A few days later, a young man and woman stopped at my table. The woman was wearing a pink hoodie with “Vinton, Louisiana” printed on the chest. Since I have family in that area, I asked her if she was from Vinton, Louisiana. She said no, she wasn’t from there. But there’s a pit there, she said. She turned around and there was a rooster screen printed on the back of the hoodie.
Cockfighting, you mean? I asked her.
Yeh, she said. My dad made his way down there…
Whenever they asked me the price of something, I added a few dollars–let’s call it a cruelty to animals tax–but they didn’t buy anything. It wasn’t until after they walked away that I realized I should have said, That’s barbaric, as soon as she confirmed we were talking about cock fighting.
The most annoying jerk was a young guy. He was clean-cut and looked totally straight, but the young woman he was with had long dreadlocks. It was the end of the day, and I had all of my rocks and most of my jewelry packed up.
They expressed interest in my highest priced necklaces.
I told them the pendants on the necklaces were made by a young local artist who charges $45 for them; I offered to let them have an entire necklace for $40.
The young guy said, They don’t charge that much at the expensive stores in town.
I replied (in a calm, neutral tone of voice), I don’t know where you’ve been shopping, but I know this guy charges $45 for his pendants.
The woman liked the lepidolite necklace, so I gave her the spiel.

This is the lepidolite necklace the woman liked. In real life, the stone is a deeper purple. Please forgive my overexposed photo.
That’s lepidolite. It’s a local stone, mined in this county. It contains lithium, so it’s good for lifting depression and stabilizing mood, and it helps with insomnia.
The young man kind of snorted and said, I’ve never heard of it before, as if I were lying to them about a stone so they would buy it.
Sure, there are people who would lie about a stone to get someone to buy it, and the guy had no way of knowing that I’m not one of those unscrupulous people. But this guy was acting as if because he’d never heard of lepidolite, it couldn’t possibly exist. I hear about new rocks all the time. I never think a stone can’t be real just because I’ve never heard of it.
The couple wandered off, and I continued packing.
Soon they were back, and the woman was looking at the necklace with the ledpidolite pendant again. I hadn’t made much money that day, and one more sale before I left would have been nice, so I told her she could have it for $30. The man was standing next to her, and he asked, Would you take $20?
I flatly replied, No.
It was cold and windy, and the man left to get his coat.
I told the woman, For $30, you’re getting all my work for free and $15 off the pendant.
The woman also looked at a short necklace with a pendant made with a local amazonite. I’d done the pendant’s simple wrap and was asking only $15 for the necklace. I told her the price and said the rock had been found locally.
The man walked back up to the table, and the woman showed him the necklace with the amazonite pendant.
That looks like just a rock, he said,
That’s because it is a rock, you idiot, is what I wanted to say, but instead I said, It’s a natural stone. It hasn’t been polished.
The man told the woman she should only get it if it were the best necklace she’d ever seen and she was totally excited about it. She put down the necklace, and they were off again.
I finished packing quickly, hoping they’d come back wanting the $15 necklace so I could tell them they were too late and had missed their chance. If they’d wanted the lepidolite necklace for $30? Well, I guess I would have unpacked that one.
(I took all the photos in this post)
To read more about customers, go here: http://www.rubbertrampartist.com/2015/02/05/we-feel-for-your-situation/, here: http://www.rubbertrampartist.com/2015/02/10/red-letter-day-2/, here: http://www.rubbertrampartist.com/2015/09/26/turtle-ass/, here: http://www.rubbertrampartist.com/2015/03/17/how-much-are-these/, here: http://www.rubbertrampartist.com/2015/12/09/selling-hemp-again/ or here: http://www.rubbertrampartist.com/2015/12/14/mean-daddy/
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