I visited the Old Kernville Cemetery in Wofford Heights, California. (To read about my visit, go here: http://www.rubbertrampartist.com/2015/05/29/old-kernville-cemetery/.)
At the edge of the cemetery farthest from the entrance, almost up against the boundary fence (which you can see in this photo, just past the tombstone), I happened upon the grave of Dorothy Mae Feldman. The inscription on the tombstone, as well as the reflective surface of the stone, caught my attention. Wow! That Dorothy Mae must have been some woman! I wish I could have known her. I hope people have such warm and kind feelings about me when I am gone. (And by “gone,” I mean “dead,” not just in another geographic location. Although it would be nice if people think well of me when I’m out of state, too.)
I stooped down to take a photo of the tombstone, with that lovely portrait of Dorothy Mae and that loving inscription, and realized I could see myself as well as if I were in front of a mirror. For a moment, Dorothy Mae and I were part of the same world.
Great photo! Love the observation that you are reflected in the tombstone.
I spent a lot of time in that area when I was younger and loved it. I haven’t been there in probably 25 years; I hope it’s still the cool place I remember (although I’ve been sorely disappointed when I’ve gone back to any place in CA that I grew up with). My aunt had a little one room cabin with an outhouse up on Greenhorn Mountain and we also used to camp and fish at Lake Isabella and the Kern River, both above and below the lake.
If this is the area you’re spending the summer in, I envy you! 🙂